"每周一品”之#98-19015 & #98-19016
- 分類:新闻动态
- 作者:Janet Dai
- 來源:原创
- 發佈時間:2019-05-20 19:51
- 訪問量:
【概要描述】本周分享的一组衣架是漂亮的一对儿。白色亚光的表面处理,犹如一身洁白的礼服。优美的身材、齐整的形体,得益于他们源自名门闺秀--佰客喜衣架自动成型设备、创新的设计和对质量“零容忍”的态度。 衣见钟情佰客喜!高端服装品牌的最佳搭档!
"每周一品”之#98-19015 & #98-19016
- 分類:新闻动态
- 作者:Janet Dai
- 來源:原创
- 發佈時間:2019-05-20 19:51
- 訪問量:
《每周一品》 (“Hanger Weekly”)---#98-19015/#98-19016
It's a pleasure to meet you again on "Hanger Weekly". The clothes hangers Shared this week are a pair of wonderful lovers. It looks like the white dress of the matte white color body. And the bionic streamline design of human body and the graceful lines, which are come from the well-known family--Butler Courtesy, who own the invention of an intelligent molding system for wooden clothes hangers, featuring innovative designs and zero tolerance in quality.
They are the two stars of this week: #98-19015 (for host) and #98-19016 (for hostess)
Let’s appreciate by pictures one by one.
1. #98-19015 & #98-19016男女主人“正面照”,规格尺寸已经标注清楚,您可以点击放大,仔细辨析。在此不做过多解释。
#98-19015 & #98-19016 "front view" of the host and hostess. The specifications and sizes are clearly marked in the images. You can click to zoom in and make a careful analysis.
2. 颜色:白色亚光NC漆表面处理,洁白无瑕,朴实却不失华丽。手感恰到好处,不会感觉太硬滑,也不至于太过酥软。成本也是非常的实惠。
Color: Matte White NC paint surface treatment, white and flawless, simple but gorgeous. It feels just good enough, neither too hard & slippery, nor too soft. The cost is also very affordable.
3. 源自佰客喜衣架自动成型机的成套设备,人体仿生流线型设计,线条优美,为您的品牌加分,完美体现您品牌的价值。
It comes from Butler Courtesy Inc.’s intelligent molding system for wooden clothes hangers. The bionic streamline design of human body and the graceful lines are good for your brand, and can also perfectly reflect the value of your brand.
4. 五金配件:Φ4.5mm镀铬钢钩、加强型E型夹以及高强度弹簧,软硬适度的透明PVC胶垫,牢固夹持衣裤又体贴您的衣物,无处不在体现您服饰至高的品质。
Metal Accessories: Φ4.5 mm chrome-plated metal hook, reinforced E style clips with high strength spring, moderate hard transparent PVC plastic mats. The clips can strong clamping and show considerable for your clothing. The garment’s high quality can be showed out completely.
5. 材质: 因人而异,即可采用身价较高的欧洲榉木,也可采用普通实惠的桦木、荷木。
Material: You can choose North Europe Beech wood which is superior in quality but high price, can also use cheap and nice quality wood ,such as birch, or lotus wood.
6. 高端品质:由佰客喜衣架自动成型设备生产,改变了传统的木衣架生产模式,废弃了多而杂且费时费力的模具,电脑编程与智能生产代替传统手工仿型。加工精细,降低劳动强度、提高生产效率的同时,大幅提高产品质量,实现“0公差”高品质,给您的品牌加分、为提高形象加分。
Excellent Quality: Butler Courtesy Inc.’s invention of an intelligent molding system for wooden clothes hangers has changed the traditional complicated and time-consuming old production model. Computer programs and intelligent production have replaced the conventional mould-based production of clothes hangers, which has transformed the production efficiency. The elaborate processing and the high quality of its products are good for high-end garment brand.
The quality of our products meets the standard of AAA. Produced by automatic hanger machine which is invented by Butler Courtesy, our products are designed for premium brands.
7. 佰客喜公司作为专业的品牌服装衣架生产龙头企业,每天为来自全球品牌服装提供高质定制衣架。
As a leading manufacturer of professional brand hangers, Butler Courtesy INC. provides high-quality customized hangers for global brands every day.
For more information, please browse our website: www.butlerhanger.com;
衣见钟情佰客喜!高端服装品牌的最佳搭档! 谢谢!
For High-end clothes brand, Butler Hanger is the best Partner.
版權所有:桂林佰客喜家居用品有限公司 桂ICP备05009314号-2