“Hanger Weekly” of #98-19019 (“每周一品”之98-19019)
- 分類:新闻动态
- 作者:Sam
- 來源:原创
- 發佈時間:2019-06-21 09:53
- 訪問量:
【概要描述】“Hanger Weekly” of #98-19019 (“每周一品”之98-19019)
“Hanger Weekly” of #98-19019 (“每周一品”之98-19019)
【概要描述】“Hanger Weekly” of #98-19019 (“每周一品”之98-19019)
- 分類:新闻动态
- 作者:Sam
- 來源:原创
- 發佈時間:2019-06-21 09:53
- 訪問量:
周末,当我闲逛于一家高端商场时,又一次巧遇到熟悉的身影:优美的曲线、流线型身材, 自然清新,端庄典雅!原来,眼前所见正是源自佰客喜发明的自动衣架刻成型机的衣架
Last weekend, while I wandered around in a high-end mall, I happened to meet familiar figures again---- Beautiful curves, Streamlined figure, Natural fresh, dignified and elegant! It turned out that what I saw in front of me were the hangers of #98-19019 which were made by the automatic hanger engraving machine invented by Butler Courtesy. Let us see the hanger of “Hanger Weekly”.

(正面照,Front View)

非同一般的设计,身材纤细苗条, 人体仿生流线型设计,线条曲美!
Features: graceful curve, streamlined shape and CNC (computer numerical control) intelligent manufacturing are all characteristics of the beauty of modernity.

(流线型设计,迷人的身材 Shape View)

(俯视图 Top View)

(仰视图 Bottom View)
The original wood color is treated with wax, and the original wood grain is kept. Form a natural and fresh style.

The natural texture is clearly visible in the view close up to the head of the hangers.
仿型,取而代之的是智能生产,改变了传统的木衣架生产模式精密加工而成。降低劳动强度、提高生产效率的同时,大幅提高产品质量,实现“0 公差”高品质,给您的品牌加分、为提升形象加分。
Excellent Quality: Butler Courtesy Inc’s invention of an intelligent molding system for wooden clothes hangers has changed the traditional complicated and time-consuming old production model. Computer programs and intelligent production have replaced the conventional mould-based production of clothes hangers, which has transformed the production efficiency. The elaborate processing and the "zero tolerance" high quality of its products are good for high-end garment brand.
The quality of our products meets the standard of AAA. Produced by automatic hanger machine which is invented by Butler Courtesy, our products are designed for premium brands.

(左视图,Left View)
材质:进口水曲柳, Ashwood.
The shoulders with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking

(右视图,Right View)
The Luxury Matte nickel plated flat steel hook with extra holder. It shows unbeatable nobility.

(钩部近照,Close up to the hook)
As a leading manufacturer of professional brand hangers, Butler Courtesy INC provides high-quality customized hangers for global brands every day.
For more information, please browse our website: www.butlerhanger.com;
衣见钟情佰客喜!高端服装品牌的最佳搭档! 谢谢!
For High-end clothes brand, Butler Hanger is the best Partner.
Butler Courtesy (Guilin) INC June 18,2019 Tuesday
版權所有:桂林佰客喜家居用品有限公司 桂ICP备05009314号-2