“新品鉴赏”之98-19023 (“Hanger Biweekly” of #98-19023)
- 分類:公司新闻
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- 發佈時間:2019-09-01 11:53
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【概要描述】曾记否?在分享#98-19019的时候,我们写到:“周末,当我闲逛于一家高端商场时,又一次巧遇到熟悉的身影:优美的曲线、流线型身材,自然清新,端庄典雅!原来,眼前所见正是源自佰客喜发明的自动衣架刻成型机的衣架。” Doyoustillremember?Whenweshare#98-19019,wewrote:”Lastweekend,whileIwanderedaroundinahigh-end
“新品鉴赏”之98-19023 (“Hanger Biweekly” of #98-19023)
【概要描述】曾记否?在分享#98-19019的时候,我们写到:“周末,当我闲逛于一家高端商场时,又一次巧遇到熟悉的身影:优美的曲线、流线型身材,自然清新,端庄典雅!原来,眼前所见正是源自佰客喜发明的自动衣架刻成型机的衣架。” Doyoustillremember?Whenweshare#98-19019,wewrote:”Lastweekend,whileIwanderedaroundinahigh-end
- 分類:公司新闻
- 作者:
- 來源:
- 發佈時間:2019-09-01 11:53
- 訪問量:
Do you still remember? When we share #98-19019, we wrote:” Last weekend, while I wandered around in a high-end mall, I happened to meet familiar figures again---- Beautiful curves, Stream lined figure, Natural fresh, dignified and elegant! It turned out that what I saw in front of me were the hangers of #98-19019 which were made by the automatic hanger engraving machine invented by Butler Courtesy.”
今天,我们再次获得新客户的询盘与制样请求!并且要求在原形体基础上,对金属配件作了部分调整。颜色则改为了水洗白色(Clear White)。加刻本品牌LOGO。这就是我们今天分享的#98-19023和#98-19023-CLPS。
Today, we again get the new customer's inquiry and sample making request! And requirement’s on the basis of the original body, the metal accessories made a part of the adjustment. The color is changed to Clear White. Engraved brand LOGO. These are the #98-19023 and # 98-19023-CLPS we share today.
#98-19023-CLW (Clear White) 正面照,Front View
Extraordinary design, slender body, human bionic streamline design, beautiful lines!
流线型设计,迷人的身材 Shape View
俯视图Top View
仰视图Bottom View
Surface treatment: The treatment of clear white makes the natural wood texture and white perfectly blend. On the basis of the overall white, the natural color of wood can be seen faintly, reflecting the beauty of nature.
Excellent Qquality: Adhering to the production process of Butler Courtesy hanger, to achieve "0 tolerance" high quality; there is no complicated traditional mold, replaced by Butler Courtesy hanger automatic forming equipment. Instead of the traditional manual copy, intelligent production takes place, which changes the traditional production mode of wooden hangers and is made of precision machining. Reduce labor intensity, improve production efficiency, at the same time, greatly improve product quality, add points to your brand and improve image.
左视图,Left View
材质:进口榉木, Beech
两肩:扁肩设计,轻盈并可靠的依托。The shoulders with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking
右侧图 Right View
Bronze plated steel hook. Archaize, reveal the personality of brand guileless.
钩部近照,Close up to the hook
As a leading manufacturer of professional brand hangers, Butler Courtesy INC. provides high-quality customized hangers for global brands every day.
For more information, please browse our website:www.butlerhanger.com
衣见钟情佰客喜!高端服装品牌的最佳搭档! 谢谢!
For High-end clothes brand, Butler Hanger is the best Partner.
Butler Courtesy (Guilin) INC
September 01, 2019 Sunday
版權所有:桂林佰客喜家居用品有限公司 桂ICP备05009314号-2